![[DMTx] Banner-Image-1.jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ae36bb2710699a5e5716f0d/1526682719248-D0FDO8WZR9LD8FK9Y30Y/%5BDMTx%5D+Banner-Image-1.jpg)
DMTx Inspired art
Artistic expression is an important characteristic of psychedelic culture. Giving ourselves the freedom to express ourselves freely, not just within the confines of stuffy research culture, has allowed us to play with image as a way to express important concepts of the DMTx program.
The symbolism of the dragonfly came from researching images associated with the infusion process. The IV needle looks like a dragonfly. In some traditions, the dragonfly symbolizes "seeing beyond illusion." Sounds like a relevant image to me. This then begs the question, how do we symbolize the “extended-state” aspect of the experience? This leads us to the “ouroboros,” the snake eating its tail, an alchemical symbol of infinity. Bringing these elements together led us to our first poster logo, designed by my cousin, KM.
DMTx Psychonaut Badge
As a psychedelic journeyer, images of expeditions and adventures become important and relevant, and what better way is there to symbolize this than a DMTx Psychonaut Badge, inspired by the NASA astronaut badges I was infatuated with in my youth. I joke now that when I was a child I wanted to be an astronaut and a trash man, mainly because they got to ride on the back of the garbage trucks. Little did I know that both at the time were pointing toward my future career as a psychedelic therapist and guide.
The image below incorporates the dragonfly and ouroboros motif in a triangle shape, pointing up. Notice the DMT molecule symbol in the dragonfly’s wings?
Oftentimes, NASA badges have an image of the spaceship, so… the double terminated crystal represents the DMTx Psychonaut taking off. Many of the “ship descriptions” returned as homework for the DMTx webinar were spheres or other geometric structures.
What to put on that red band? Turns out to be the mission motto, the super simple “Research & Explore” - a perfect distillation of the whole DMTx program.
NASA badges also have stars in the background, in this case, cannabis shaped stars, honoring the importance of this sacred medicine in the training process.
“IA-1” The Mission code. A fun reference to Stargate: SG-1. I.A. is the name of the DMTx lab, mission control, the launch pad, with mission number one being planned now. I.A. stands for either “Infinite Arches” a name that came to me in a cannabis session to describe the Extended-State DMT experience, or “Inner Astronaut” which also makes a lot of sense. IA just happens to sound very close to “Aya” - an acknowledgment of the sacred brew, Ayahuasca.
DMTx Official Logo
All of this leads us to the final image of the dragonfly series, the logo for the website. The badge and logo were both created by Eliot Alexander, a good friend and local artist. More of this work can be found at http://www.esemiel.com/.
DMTx2 Psychonaut Badge
The DMTx2 Psychonaut Badge points to the future of the DMTx program. The green dome will be where we conduct the expedition (yes, there is a real green dome) and the green and pink symbolize a beautiful peyote button as the launch pad. Who knows what is going to take off from this space, symbolized by the three dimensional geometric structure at the top. HGS Serendipity is the name of one of our "HyperGrid Ships," a play on Dr. Gallimore's term to describe the terrain of the inner DMT experience and named to honor the wonderful synchronistic events that keep the program going. The leaves on the sides are of Mimosa hostilis, the plant that the medicine will be extracted from, and of course, cannabis leaf stars for good measure. There is a hidden "K" on both sides of the door, honoring the medicine Ketamine used in the DMTx2 training retreat. And the alien with the pink eyes? Who knows what we'll find in this space as we peer through the window to another dimension!
Last but not least is our tribute to 1970’s Sci-Fi paperback imagery in this poster idea. Since no one has done this before, we can’t take pictures of it. How do we “show” people what the experience will look like? This is our fun attempt to acknowledge the clear lineage of the DMTx program through science fiction iconography. Images of machines that project explorers into different “realities” are embedded in our popular sci-fi culture - movies like Total Recall, Contact, The Matrix, Inception, and in the writings of authors like Philip K. Dick. It turns out, these machines might be less science fiction that we thought. Why not also put the experiment itself in a spaceship?
More images like these will be commissioned as we go.
We invite others to share their work with so that we can share it with our community via our blog.

Part of our vision is growing our Psychedelic Community.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any comments, questions, or ideas to share. And if you hold a special skill, experience, or interest in our program that we should know about, let us know!